The Resilience Scale: A Duplication Study in Japan

Chieko Hasui11, §, Hiromi Igarashi1, §, Noriko Shikai1, §, Masahiro Shono2, §, Toshiaki Nagata3, §, Toshinori Kitamura*, 1, §
1 Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan
2 Yuge Hospital, Japan
3 Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare, Japan

© 2009 Hasui et al;

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Kumamoto University Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Japan; E-mail:


To examine the factor structure, construct, and predictive validity of the Resilience Scale (RS), Japanese university students (N = 504 to 547) were examined. The RS has a good internal consistency and a single factor structure. Students high in resilience were less likely to be depressed or suicidal; more likely to adopt task-oriented coping but less likely to adopt emotion-oriented coping; more likely to have secure attachment with an opposite-sex partner; less likely to have shame feeling but more likely to have pride feeling; more likely to show healthy narcissistic personality traits but less likely to show identity diffusion; more likely to report their parents as high in care and low in overprotection; and more likely to report receiving punishment as a child. The RS is shown to be a significant predictor of the depressive severity two weeks later after controlling for demographic variables, baseline depression, and negative life events, which occurred during the previous week. Thus, the RS is a valid measure in a Japanese student population.